hrp0095p2-48 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

An Unusual Case of Rickets and Anemia Due To Severe Nutritional Deficiency in A Child of Non-Caucasian Ethnicity

Urbano Flavia , Chiarito Mariangela , Moscogiuri Luigi , Felicia Faienza Maria

Background: Rickets is a disease due to a reduced mineralization of the rapidly growing bones (skull, ribs, wrists, knees, ankles) with consequent accumulation of non-mineralized bone matrix, called osteoid tissue. The most frequent cause of rickets is vitamin D and/or calcium deficiency caused by reduced sun exposure, inadequate dietary intake or malabsorption (nutritional rickets).Clinical history: R., a 1 year and 6 m...